Jim Swenson and Doug Williford have been filming The Crooked Jades for the last 5 years and have put together a short preliminary version of a documentary film (work in progress) which will be previewed on San Francisco Cable Access Channel 29 on Tuesday 3/3 at 9:30PM and Saturday 3/7 at 8PM. It may also be used as filler overnight and in the mornings. accessf.org/guide/schedule Please check it out if you live in San Francisco or tell your friends who live here. We’re looking forward to greater viewing access in the future with the final project. What we’ve seen so far is artful and insightful and gives a good overview of the band evolution (all three generations are featured) with plenty of live performances filmed at The Freight and Salvage in Berkeley and Noe Valley Ministry in San Francisco as well as an up to date interview with Jeff Kazor filmed in January of this year. Let us know what you think! A final cut should be ready in time for the documentary festival circuit in 2010.